12 Important Names of Lord Vishnu
It has been an age-old practice in the traditional Vaishnavite circles to chant Dwadasa-nama-panjara stotram after chanting Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam. It gives the details about the 12 important names of Lord Vishnu, the directions they are associated and the weapons they carry. Again, these Namaas are chanted, while applying the Tilak / Thiruman on 12 parts of the body. I guess, thus they earn the moniker “Namam”.
For each Naama of the Lord, multiple meanings are possible; I have picked up the ones, as described in the commentary of Sri Parasara Bhatta on Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam (SVS)
1: Kesava : Chant the naama while applying Tilak on the forehead; One, who protects us in the East, has the golden hue and carries the Golden Sri Chakra; “Ka” represents “Lord Brahma”, “A” represents “Lord Vishnu” and “Esa” represents “Lord Siva”. Kesava represents all three forms. Also, the destroyer of the demon-Kesi, as per Vishnu Purana. Interestingly, by chanting the name Kesava, one gets rid of their Kleshas (root cause of all our pain and suffering, there are major 5 as described in Patanjali Yoga Sutra — Avidya (Ignorance), Asmita (Egoism), Raga (Likings), Dvesa (Dis-likings), Abhinidvesa (Fear)).
2. Narayana : Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the center-stomach; One who is the basis / protector for all the Jeevas/ beings. Though it may be the most famous Naama, it comes only once in SVS. He protects us in the west, holds a conch and resembles rich blue cloud
3. Madhava: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the chest; The Swami of our Mother, who is the mother of the entire Prapancha/Universe. Protects us from the top, has the colour of blue lily and holds Gadha/mace in his hand
4. Govindha: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the inner-neck;One who inherits/owner of all glories; One who rescued this bhoomi (indicates to Varaha Avatara); Protects us from the south, has the cool luster of moon and carries an arrow
5. Vishnu: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the right-stomach; One who has penetrated everything or has presence everywhere; Protects us from the top, has the colour of lotus filament and carries a plough
6. Madhusudha: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the right-sholder; One who has destroyed the demon — Madhu; Also represents Indreeyas / senses. Protects us from south-east, has the colour of lotus and holds a pestle
7. Trivikrama: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the right-neck; One who has measured the 3 measurables — Rik/Yajur/Sam, Sattva/Rajas/Tamas, bhoo/Bhuva/Suva etc ; Protects us from south-west, shines like fire and carries sword
8.Vamana: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the left-stomach; Whose Swaroopa brings delight in the seer’s mind; Protects us from north-west, Shines like the young sun and carries a thunder-bolt
9. Sridhara: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the left-shoulder; One who is inseparable from divine-mother like the gem-its light, flower-its smell etc; Protects us from north-east, has the colour of lotus and carries a spear
10. Rishikesa: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the left-neck; One who controls our 5 senses (both karmendriyas and gnanedriyas) ; Protects us from below, shines like lightning and carries a hammer
11. Padmanabha: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the back; One who carries the lotus in his navel or manifests the universe; Protects from all directions, with brilliance of thousand suns and carries all weapons
12. Damaodhara: Chant the naama while applying the tilak on the back of the neck; One who carries the un-manifested universe in his stomach; Protects me from inside and outside, has the colour of silkworm and carries 4 nooses in his hands