Adios, our Dear, “Dios”

Adios, our Dear, “Dios”
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From 1950–1970, Brazil has won the soccer world cup thrice and runner up, once (Still, it is a mystery to me, how they lost in 1966 world cup, despite having the greatest Pele, Charismatic Garrincha in their team. Thank God, parity was restored in 1970). This was giving jitters to their European teams. For long time observers of the two groups playing style, the difference was as good as the one between ghee and cheese cakes. Brazilian style was always a smooth flowing one like Ghee (2014 team that lost in the SF by 1–7 was a blot and I have assumed that they are not Brazilians, but from a different planet). In order to counter that, a check-box style of football called “Total football” was revolutionized by Johan Cryuff, Rinus Michels, Kaiser “Beckenbauer” et al. It can be an equivalent to modern day “zonal football”. This helped to conserve energy, increased the speed of the footballer at short bursts and more importantly, yielded results. The free flowing south Americans were stuttering against such clinical finish (one cannot stop from remembering the same thing happened in field hockey — the free flowing dribbling Asians (Indians, Pakistanis) lost their nerve/verve against the short-passing European style of hockey).
Like the calypso cricket, Brazilian style of football was eye catching, helps the spectator revel in the artistry and aesthetic at its best. Total-football yielded results and can see in the victory of Germany & other European teams in 1974, 1982 (italy). Mario Kempes’ team had the necessary luck to snatch the victory from Dutch in 1978. Many of us may not be able to recollect any Maestros from that victorious Argentina team.
During that period, we have had super stars, who were victorious but not an eye catching one like Pele. The beauty of Human spirit is that for not too long, its creativity and ability to excel can be curtailed. From that vacuum, there rose a pygmy, who later turned into a giant. It was all due to his all-round excellence in the field.
In terms of teams strength, 1986 world cup was an absolute delight to watch — Brazil (under the watchful eyes of Tele santana,the great Socrates, Zico), France (fresh from 1984 European cup win with players like Michael Platini, Tigana, Amoros, Giresse, Goal keeper Bats), England (under the aegis of highly paid Bobby Robson, Bryan Robson, Gary Linekar, Peter Beardsley, John Barnes , the great goalkeeper Peter Shulton), West Germany (Rumminege, Briegel, Brehme, lead-footed (in terms of strength) Lotthar Matthaus) and many more.
From that oodles of talent, a man of medium height, with solid-heavy thighs, slightly plumpier by football standards, emerged as a genius, whose legs could control the ball more than anybody else (in the same world cup, one had the glimpse of another eye-catcher, Carlos Valderrama). Most importantly, he was moving seamlessly between the forward and mid-field positions and was able to see the openings more clearly, when he controlled the ball in the mid-field. Like a chess player, his mind was able to find out the least opposed openings for his team and one witnessed that in the finals.
No doubt, the hand of God was a eternal blot. But, the 2nd goal in that match against stunned England (1986, Aztec stadium) was a revelation and that helped to build the reputation. He stamped his class against the talented Belgium team (loaded with greats like Jan Ceulamans, Enzo Scifo, Nico Claesen) with a brace. We should remember the fact that in that world cup, Diego “Dios” Maradona was ably assisted by Jorge Valdano, Burruchaga, Brown and excellent goalkeeper, Neri Pumpido. In-spite of that, it was one man show. Though, he did not score against W.Germany in the finals, his mere presence did the magic, as mentioned above.
Again, in 1990 world cup, he took his team on his shoulders till the end. One particular moment stands out. In the league match, against Cameron (remember Roger Milla), he was battered by Cameroonians — Mfede, Kunde and others. In-spite of getting bruised, he continued to play the match. The very best and determination of the Germany team defeated Maradona, who looked Jaded by that time; This was either due to his high octane play in the league football or continuous substance abuse or some other reason.
Subsequently, in the European club football, he helped Napoli to achieve greatness in their league as well as in the club European championship.
My dear Diego, we will never forget you for the excellence achieved on the field and lifted our spirit to a different plane. You still continue to have a glorious run in our dreams. Thanking you for the wonderful, exhilarating, hair-raising experience that you had provided. Take care, my friend.
May you attain Sadghati! Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi!