Gurunanak Jayanthi

Hinduism or broadly known as Sanatana Dharma developed its roots in a land known for its bio-diversity. Hence, theo-diversity was very much encouraged and felt as the need of the landscape.
From that waters, a beautiful lotus called Sikhism bloomed. Sri Guru Nanak had humble beginnings in Nankhana Sahib (now in Pakistan). Seeing Guru’s intelligence, intellect, and advanced wisdom, he was heralded as a prophet by his teachers. Right from a young age, he was more interested in offering food to the needy & poor (the present-day langar in Gurudwaras may have its possible root here).
He made his spiritual forays to Hardwar but was disappointed with mindless rituals. His visit to Mecca and the associated miracles are part of our folklore. Like the mythical swan, he had the Viveka to discriminate between Satya and A-Satya.
His pourings became part of Guru-Granth-Sahib (a special lipi/script was created by one of the Gurus). 17% of Shabads (poetry) are attributed to this great saint.
Two great stories are attributed to him:
- he was working in a grocery store and measuring the grains. He was calling out ek,dho,theen… and when it came to “Thera”, his mind froze and he lost himself, since everything belongs to “Thera/God” and not unto us.
- On his way to Mecca, he was resting in a temple and found out that Sivalingas were omnipresent. That reinforced the Truth that God is omnipresent
His famous lines continuously get repeated in his Japjis
(please correct, if there is any mistake)
- Suniye, dukh parab ka naas
- thoo sada salamathi nirankar
- aadhi aneelu, anaathi
His greatest contributions are:
- Ik Omkar — Integrating the prevailing precepts of Bharatvarsha seamlessly in his songs (it has been estimated that at least 120+ times, the word “Om” comes in Guru-Granth-Sahib)
- Bequeathing his legacy and power to the oncoming 9 Gurus, who did fantastic work in their fight and consolidation against the prevailing inimical forces of that time
Let the Guru continue to rule our hearts forever.
Jai Guru Nanak Maharaj!
Sat Sri Akal!
Gurparab greetings to all!