How do our scriptures celebrate Sun

Isavasya Upanishad
हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम् ।
तत्त्वं पूषन्नपावृणु सत्यधर्माय दृष्टये ॥ १५॥
hiraṇmayena pātreṇa satyasyāpihitam mukham,
tat tvaṁ pūṣan āpāvṛṇu satyadharmāya dṛṣṭaye (15)
Like a lid to a vessel, O Sun, your Golden orb covers the entrance to Truth. Kindly open thay entrance, to lead me to Truth.
Aditya Hrudayam
सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ।
चिन्ताशोकप्रशमनमायुर्वर्धनमुत्तमम् ॥५॥
Sarva-Manggala-Maanggalyam Sarva-Paapa-Prannaashanam |
Cintaa-Shoka-Prashamanam-Aayur-Vardhanam-Uttamam ||5||
5.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) He is the bestower of all-round Welfare (Sarva Mangala Mangalyam), and the remover of all Sins (Sarva Papa Pranashanam),
5.2: He heals the worries and griefs (which gets implanted in the mind due to adverse life experiences) (Chinta Shoka Prashamanam) and (imbues one with the excellent splendour of the Sun which) increases the Life Span (Ayur Vardhanam Uttamam)
சிலப்பதிகாரம் (A great Tamil epic, Silappathikaram)
ஞாயிறு போற்றுதும் ஞாயிறு போற்றுதும்
காவிரி நாடன் திகிரிபோல் பொற்கோட்டு
மேரு வலம் திரிதலான்
Here the saint-poet Sri Ilango Adigal glorifies Sun
காவிரி ஆற்றைக் கொண்ட அந்தச் சோழனின் ஆணைச் சக்கரத்தைப்போல, பொன் வேய்ந்த சிகரங்களைக் கொண்ட மேரு மலையை வலம் வருவதால், சூரியனைப் போற்றுவோம்!
திருப்புகழ் (By Saint-poet Sri Arunagirinathar in Tamil)
கூராழியால் முன் வீய நினைபவன்
ஈடேறு மாறு பானு மறைவுசெய்
கோபால ராயன்…….
This describes the battle field scenario on 14th day of The Mahabharatha War. Where the sun is hidden by Lord Krishna with his discuss to save Arjuna and complete his vow
Navagraha Stotram
Japa Kusuma Samkaasham Kaashya-peyam Mahaa-dyutim
Tamorim Sarva-papaghnam Pranatosmin Divakaram
Sun (Soorya-Ravi) I pray to the Sun, the day-maker,
destroyer of all sins, the enemy of darkness, of great
brilliance, the descendent of Kaashyapa, the one who
shines like the japaa flower.
Surya Siddhanta
The Surya Siddhanta is the name of a Sanskrit treatise in Indian astronomy from the late 4th-century or early 5th-century CE. The Surya Siddhanta describes rules to calculate the motions of various planets and the moon relative to various constellations, diameters of various planets, and calculates the orbits of various astronomical bodies
Swami Vivekananda’s quotes
1. How are we to know a teacher, then? The sun requires no torch to make him visible, we need not light a candle in order to see him. When the sun rises, we instinctively become aware of the fact, and when a teacher of men comes to help us, the soul will instinctively know that truth has already begun to shine upon it
2. Take up an idea, devote yourself to it, struggle on in patience, and the sun will rise for you.
The powers of the mind are like the rays of the sun when they are concentrated, they illumine