Motto of the RD 2021 parade contingents

Today in the RD parade, many contingent paraded themselves brilliantly. What was interesting is the motto associated with each contingent:
1. Gwalior Lancers — The motto of the regiment is अश्व-शक्ति यशोबल (Ashva Shakti Yashobal) which translates to ‘“Horse Power is Supreme Strength”
2. Jat Regiment — Sangathan Va Veerta (Unity And Valour)
3. Garhwal Regiment — Yudhaya Krit Nishchaya (Fight With Determination)
4. Mahar Regiment — Yash Sidhi; Success & Attainment
5. J & K Rifles Regiment — Prashata Ranvirta (“Valour in Battle is Praiseworth”), War Cry — Durga Mata Ki Jai (“Victor to Goddess Durga”)
6. the Bengal Sappers and the Territorial Army — God’s own
7. The Combined Band of the Mechanised Infantry Regimental Centre — Valour & Faith, Bolo Bharat Mata Ki Jai (Victory to Mother India)
8. Para Regimental Centre & JAT Regimental Centre — Sangathan Va Veerta (Unity And Valour)
9. Sikh Regimental Centre — Nischay Kar Apni Jeet Karon (With determination, I will be triumphant), War cry — Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akaal (one will be blessed eternally who says that God is the ultimate)
10. Assam Regimental Centre — Asam Vikram, War cry — Rhino Charge
11. Sikh Light Infantry Regimental Centre — Deg Teg Fateh (Prosperity in Peace and Victory in War)
12. Ladakh Scouts Regimental Centre and Artillery Centre (Nasik Road) — Ki Ki So So Lhargyalo (Victory to God)
13. Naval Contingent — Vayam Rakshamah’ meaning ‘We Protect
14. Air contingent — “Nabasprusham Deeptham — Touching the sky with glory”
15. DRDO — बलस्य मूलं विज्ञानम् “Strength’s Origin is in Knowledge”
16. CRPF — “tejsvi navdhitmastu” means- “Let Brilliance Emerge out of our Endeavours”. It has been adopted from ‘Kathopanishad
17. ITBP — “tejsvi navdhitmastu” means- “Let Brilliance Emerge out of our Endeavours”. It has been adopted from ‘Kathopanishad
18. Delhi Police — ‘Shanti, Seva, Nyaya’
19. BSF Camel Contingent — जीवन पर्यन्त कर्तव्य (Duty Unto Death)
20. NSG — सर्वत्र सर्वोत्तम सुरक्षा (Sanskrit) Omnipresent omnipotent security
22. NSS — Not Me But You
23. Brahmos Missile Contigent — Swamiye Saranam Iyyappa