No Country For Old Men (Netflix)

Once you taste and get used/addicted to the American way of life, some of the things will be worth enjoying — eating in their diners, traveling on the road endlessly, enjoy the sprawling natural beauties that are easily accessible, and most importantly with less crowd (unlike India).
On all those major counts, this movie “No Country for Old Men” scores majestically. It is a robber-police story laced with multiple events that happen in parallel. It was narrated linearly with utter disregard for the existing societal norms & structure. As always, Tommy Lee Jones’ performance was very subtle and fits into the frame, perfectly. The villain/protagonist was a surprise package totally with unconventional looks, weapons, principles (however skewed they are).
It is meant for you if you like the slow narrative, an emerging thriller, and sight of sprawling countryside USA.
Prosthetics makes the villain’s face highly deplorable and sheepishly watchable.
Despite the theme, it is meditative. In the end, like the contemplative TLJ, you may also get into that zone.