Road to Yoga Day — Ardha Chakrsana
1 min readMay 16, 2021

This is the time, where we will be troubled by fear & doubt. We can take the help of this asana to come out of that, gradually. Where there is fear and tentativeness, the immune system will also either become dysfunction or malfunction.
Hypertension & heart patients should avoid or do it cautiously. If there is a fear of falling, you are welcome to spread your legs.
How to do:
- Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body.
- Balance your weight equally on both feet
- Breathing in, take your arms to the back and support at the waist level
- Breathing out, gently bend backwards pushing the pelvis forward, elbows and knees straight, neck also bent (slowly), and lifting your chest towards the ceiling.
- Breathe normally and stay in the asana for 30–60 seconds
- Inhale , slowly come back up
- Breathing out, bring the arms down and relax
- Stretches the front part of the body
- Tones the back of body
- Expands the chest region and respiratory organs are toned
- Spinal flexibility
- A sense of confidence is instilled