Road to Yoga day (Jun 21) — Left nostril breathing with Mantra chanting
2 min readMay 20, 2021

Hari Om,
This method combines chandra viloma-anuloma with mantra chanting. It helps to reduces the fear/stress/anxiety.
- Sit erect/straing (no bending in the spine/neck etc) in Sukhasana/Padamasana/Vajrasana (comfortably)
- Adopt Nasika mudra
- (Exhale with both nostrils) Close the right nostril, gently with the thumb (do not squeeze it)
- Inhale slowly (stomach should bulge, the chest expands & shoulders go up)
- Exhale slowly (in the same pattern mentioned above,stomach contracts, chest goes inward & shoulders come down)
- This makes one round. You are welcome to do a multiple of 9/18/27 etc (The other hand can be used for counting or chin-mudra can be adopted)
- No need to hold your breath
- Deep Inhalation and Slow exhalation in the ratio of 1:2 (for every one second of Inhalation, two seconds of Exhalation should be maintained)
- Once you are comfortable — choose a favorite mantra (Gayatri mantra /Om Namo Narayana/Om Namas Sivaayaa, etc)
- While inhaling chant “Om” mentally and while exhaling chant the remaining mantra. Initially, there will be a tendency to rush. Over a period of time, the breath & mantra will synchronize
- Purification of breath related organs — lungs, heart & stomach
- Diaphragm/balloon gets expanded and helps to increase the intake of air & its retention capacity
- Lung capacity increases
- The mind calms down, concentration increases and mental stamina is strengthened (Both breath & mind are two branches of the same tree. If we control one, the other gets controlled. Here, we are consciously controlling the both)
- Slows down the metabolism
- Relaxes the nerves
Om Tat Sat!