Road to Yoga Day (Jun 21): Mudras for removing fear

This corona season brings in lots of self doubt and generates fear in us. Two mudras will help to get away from Fear
- Jnana Mudra (15 mts) : It is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and the index finger

2. Prana Mudra (10 mts): The tips of the little & ring fingers are joined with the tips of the thumbs

Guidelines for Mudra Therapy
1. Offer your prayers to Istha/Kula Devatha and start the practice
2. It should be practiced in the same order
3. A light contact between the tips of the thumbs and the fingers is sufficient. One need not apply
4. Fingers not actively involved in the mudra should be comfortably straight
5. Whenever possible perform the mudra with both the hands. Perform mudra with one hand
when there is a problem in the opposite side
6. Mudras can be practiced anytime, anywhere, while sitting, standing, walking, travelling,
watching TV, listening to music or while sleeping
7. Mudras can be performed by anybody and facing any direction. Mudras are universal
8. When a problem is resolved, the specific therapeutic mudras are to be discontinued
9. There will not be any side-effects; Still, if you find any side effects, please discontinue the