Sir John Woddroffe, a wonderful Saktha
Om Sri Gurubyo Namah!
Om Maharagnye Namah!

In tune with the scores of the great commentators, many/I will be eternally grateful to Sir John Woodroffe/Arthur Avalon, whose extensive and complex published works on the Tantra sampradaya has simplified the theme for the sadhakas. If not for him, like this child, many others who are still trying to collect pebbles on the shores of the Tantric ocean would not even understand the esoteric literature.
From Devi-Mahatmya
“Whenever there is the trouble of this kind caused by the Danavas, at each such time I shall incarnate myself and accomplish the destruction of the enemy”.
When the Brahman/absolute is thus brought into relation with us and the world we live in, we have inevitably to think of it as active power. Hence the distinction that we draw between the quiescent Brahman and the active Iswari. In sakta theology, this distinction is transferred to Siva and Sakthi. Siva corresponds to the inactive Brahman and Sakti corresponds to the active Iswara/Iswari.
He has compiled many books and of all, the most famous one is “The Serpent Power”
One day with the grace of the Guru, I have a desire to translate this into Tamil
- Introduction to the Tantra Śāstra
- Tantra of the Great Liberation
- Hymns to the Goddess
- Shakti and Shâkta
- The Serpent Power
- Hymn to Kali: Karpuradi-Stotra
- The World as Power
- The Garland of Letters
- Principles of Tantra (2 vols)
- Kularnava Tantra (Introduction by John Woodroffe)
- Kamakalavilasa by Puṇyānanda
- Bharati Shakti: Essays and Addresses on Indian Culture.
- India: Culture and Society
- Is India Civilized? Essays on Indian Culture