Sivalaya Ottam

Shivalaya Ottam is a ritual marathon undertook by the devotees to the 12 Siva shrines in the district of Kanyakumari on the day of Shivarathri. From this year onwards the day was announced as a local holiday for the district. Shivalaya Ottam means running from one Siva temple to another. On Shivarathri day, the pilgrims at Kanyakumari district worship at 12 Shiva temples covering a distance of 90+ km within 24 hours by foot.
Pilgrims who cover the distance by foot observe ‘Vriddha’ for a week.During the fasting period they eat tender coconut, tender palmyra (Nungu) during the day and Tulsiand water in the night. Those who cannot run this distance, visit the temples in vehicles. Package tours
The Ottam begins at Munchirai, the first Sivalayams and goes all through the next 10 temples before ending at Thirunattalam. Special pujas will be conducted at temple at Thirumalai. The ritual begins after the devotees taking a holy-dip in the Thamirabarani river at Munchirai, the first Sivalayams. The participants wear saffron robes, hold a palm-leaf fan on their hand and chant the mantra “Govinda… Gopaala…” all through the whole day of running. The pilgrims receive the holy ashes, “Thiruneer” from all the eleven temples. The purpose for the pilgrimage is believed to be fulfilled only by receiving the Sandal-paste from the final Sankaranarayanar Temple at Thirunattalam.
Story of Purushamrigam:
For a yajna the Pandavas were going to perform, Yudhistra required the milk of the Purushamrigam.The mighty human-beast was deeply devoted to Lord Shiva. And held a deep dislike towards Lord Vishnu, and all Vishnu devotees. Bhima took upon himself to bring the milk for the yajna, Lord Krishna wished to show that Shiva and Vishnu are One, and also restrain the overconfidence of Bhima. Krishna therefore gave Bhima 12 Shivalinga images, and told him he should drop one whenever he needed help.
Bhima traveled to the jungle where the Purushamrigam was in deep meditation, he uttered the words “Govinda, Gopala”, (names of Lord Krishna often chanted by his devotees as a form of worship), while he tried to get milk from the Purushamrigam. Hearing the names of Vishnu disturbed its mediation on Shiva, and it saw Vishnu appearing in the Shiva Linga it was worshipping. The Purushamrigam was enraged, and grabbed Bhima. To escape from its claws, Bhima dropped one Shivalinga, which turned into a Shiva shrine.
The Purushamrigam let go of Bhima in order to worship Shiva. A little later Bhima once again tried to obtain the milk, and again called “Govinda, Gopala”. Again, the human-beast chased Bhima and caught him. Once again, he dropped one of the Shivalingas Krishna had given him, and another Shiva shrine appeared. In this way, the 12 stones created the 12 temples that are known as the Shivalayas. In the end Bhima was again caught by the Purushamrigam, when he still had one foot in the territory of the sphinx-Purushamrigam. Because of this Bhima disputed that he was rightfully free. But Yudhistra judged that the half of Bhima’s body that was still within the territory of the Purushamrigam belonged to it. Much impressed with Yudhishthira’s great justice, the Purushamrigam gave the milk for the completing of the yajna. And Bhima’s pride was thus subdued.
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