Surrender to Lord as per Sri Vedanta Desika
5 aspects of Prapatti
உகக்குமவை யுகந்துகவா வனைத்துமொழிந் துறவுகுண
மிகத்துணிவு பெறவுணர்ந்து வியங்காவ லெனவரித்துச்
சகத்திலொரு புகலிலாத் தவமறியேன் மதிட்கச்சி
நகர்கருணை நாதனைநல் லடைக்கலமா யடைந்டேனேWill do the acts that will please the lord, will do not acts that will displease him
Tthinking about his kalyana gunas, To attain complete trust in him; Embracing him to protect me
Not able to find any other to seek refuge or find any other method in this world,
Surrendering to the Benign Lord of walled-kanchipuram
Five aspects of Prapatti (शरणागति /Saranagati/total surrender to Lord) are mentioned in this verse, by Sri Vedanta Desika in his poem “aḍaikkalappattu / அடைக்கலப்பத்து (10 hymns on seeking refuge in Lord). Here, the poet is addressing to the presiding deity of Vishnu-kanchi, Lord Varadaraja
1. Anukoolya sangalapam : A sadhaka taking resolution that (s)he will perform acts that will please the Lord or as per the diktats of Sastras
2. Praathikoolya Varjanam : A sadhaka is determined not to act against the will of God or against the diktats of Sastras
3. Maha Visvaasam : Complete trust in Lord that he alone would deliver us moksha
4. Karppanyayam : The sadhaka loses the faith in other ways of attaining salavation and sees Prapatti is the only way
5. Gopthrutva varaNam : Seeking his grace to attain moksha