The experiences bestowed by Him — Part 9 : Headline, that I am a Napumsak/Impotent — Patel
(A humble translation of the original article by Sri S.Gurumurthy , as it had appeared in Thuglak Tamil Magazine)

Late, Indian Express owner, Ramnath Goenka had moved very closely with Gandhi, Nehru, Patel et al. In 1948, the history of Bharath was written in blood as a result of partition. Goenka had shared his experiences with the national leaders. One of the stories was how the Hyderabad Nizam had attempted to become an independent nation with the help of Pakistan or gain a special status like Kashmir with the help of British. And, how it was thwarted by Sardar Patel. Patel had reached out to Goenka. That was narrated to me by Goenka. The recounting of that incident will help to the greatness of Sardar Patel, who self-less, daring and a tall leader. Of late, our public life is inundated with the posters that glorifies our leaders as Legend, General etc. On the other hand, Goenka’s experience will help to understand the real meaning of leader/leadership.
In 11-Sep-1948, Pakistan’s leader Jinnah had died. On the next day at 4 am, Goenka’s phone buzzed and Deputy PM Sardar Patel was on the other end. He enquired, “Ramnath, Can you come here or Shall I come over there?”. Goenka replied, “Vallabhai, I am coming there” and reached his place in the next 30 minutes. What happened Vallabhai, why did you call me, so early in the morning? Patel had asked Goenka, “Do you agree with me that Hyderabad is a broken arrow in Bharath Matha?”. Yes, concurred Goenka. Then, Patel said, “I have a plan to removed that arrow and can you abide by that?”. Certainly Vallabhai, replied Goenka.
Patel gave a file to him and asked him to read it. In the file, it was mentioned in detail, in the Hyderabad province, how the muslim Razakars(, a private suicide-squad/militia were murdering thousands of Hindus, raping their women and what kind of protection is required for them. Although, Goenka was in receipt of info in trickle, for the first time, he was exposed to the grand act of larceny, murder, rape. Patel was quizzing him further, “Now, are you able to understand the situation? A private militia of 2 lakhs is perpetrating the mass murders. I am the home minister, Deputy PM; Still, I am not able to do anything. Am I not a Impotent/Napumsaka? Even, the people, who are working for me are thinking like that. And, that is the truth. He let out his anguish.
What is Jawaharlal’s thought process, asked Goenka. Patel said, “As always, he is in a severe state of confusion. All the 500 princely states that were under my control have been smoothly integrated with our country. He assumed responsibility for the two princely states — Hyderabad and Kashmir. Both are against integrating with us. It needs solid tough action; But, Nehru is too soft to close them out. But, he won’t hand it over to me. I need your help for that transfer”.
Sardar further continued, ‘You are the chairman of PTI and also the owner of IE. Through these two mediums, share the info that are part of this file and title it as “Impotent Sardar” ‘. This shook Goenka completely. Then, Goenka asked, “Sardar, why do you want me to do this sinful act? What will people think about me? Sardar further elaborated — that will be the start of my plan. I have to sacrifice my name at the altar of my country, to save it. Otherwise, we will be creating a Pakistan or Kashmir amid-st us. As per the plan, your role starts only when the news item is released. Taking Goenka into confidence, Sardar shared his entire plan. Goenka was in wonderment.
Chanakya type Brilliant Plan
Gopalswamy Iyengar acts as eyes and ears of Nehru. He was an ICS officer and worked as Prime Minister under Kashmir Maharaja. Nehru has appointed him as a minister. Both, Iyengar & Goenka are close friends.
Once, all the newspapers stars splashing this news item, you should reach out to your friend, Gopalswamy Iyengar. Either Iyengar should listen to you or you should make him to listen. This is the summary — Jinnah had died yesterday. Pakistan will mourn for 12 days. This is the appropriate time. Tomorrow, we should take a decision about Hyderabad in the cabinet. Once the news come out, the whole country will start abusing me. Not only Nehru, the whole set of ministers knew about it. That, I am not responsible and Nehru has the responsibility. It will sow an element of guilt in Nehru. Since, I am getting defamed for our failure in the case of Hyderabad, all the minister will want me to own it too. I expect that to come from Nehru.
Only Iyengar can advise Nehru to pass on the Hyderabad problem to me. Iyengar will start the conversations in the ministry. Nehru will not say “No” to Iyengar. With the help of our military, we can crush 2 lakhs Razakars and 2000 members of Nizam’s army. Nehru thinks that police action alone is suffice. It is an impossible task for Hyderabad police. I moved the army closer to Hyderabad the moment I came to know that Jinnah is in the death-bed. This is highly confidential. Tommorow is the appropriate day to start this plan. Everything is in your hands. This is a deal between you and me. Do not share it with anyone. Iyengar should never come to know about my parting of file with you. After the news is released, you reach out to Iyengar and tell that Sardar will resign, if he does not get the authority to save Hyderabad.
After narrating this to me, Goenka further mentioned, “Guru, what kind of a daring-chanakya, Patel was? He wanted to do a trade-off between his fame and the zeal to protect this country. He was a tall-desh bhakt. After that, Goenka had shed copious tears. Then, he shared, how Iyengar was handled by Patel.
Goenka Prostrated at Iyengar’s feet
Next day, all the major dailies carried the news item, blaming Sardar Patel. Goenka with those magazines reached the house of Iyengar. Immediately, he fell at Iyengar’s feet and caught hold of his feet. Iyengar retorted, “Ramnath! What is this?”. Goenka pleaded that he would get up, only, if Iyengar listens to him. I am not here, for currying any personal favour; If you don’t do this favour then you cannot prevent a direct confrontation between Nehru & Patel. Then, Iyengar gave his word. After that, Goenka passed on the newspapers to him.
For some time, Iyengar was stunned and asked him — how did he get these document? If they get leaked, it will bring a big disaster on our nation. Goenka said, “I met Sardar in the morning after seeing the matter in the dailies; Sardar gave the documents and told that he does not have any other option, other than resigning. Further, Goenka requested, “Can you ask Nehru to pass on the responsibility of solving Hyderabad problem to Patel?”. Iyengar too had agreed that they don’t have any other option at this stage. Then, once again, Goenka fell at his feet, “Swami, You have to save this nation”. Goenka went to Patel’s house and briefed him about the proceedings. Patel said to him,”You saved our country from this major disaster. At the time of your death, it will give a great satisfaction”.
Sardar — The story maker, Dialogue writer & Director
On that day, in the cabinet meeting, as requested, Iyengar spoke and that was accepted by Nehru. Patel was entrusted to save Hyderabad. Nehru was adamant that only police force should be used. Patel replied, saying that the army has reached the gates of Hyderabad. Nehru kept quiet. On 13th Sep, under the facade of police action, the army started its maneuverings on Hyderabad. The problem was solved in 5 days. Major General J.N. Chaudhari spear-headed the operation. Most of the assassins in Razakar’s militia were killed by Army. Nizam and his army surrendered. The private Razakar militia that killed lakhs of Hindus was disbanded. This is how the great Sardar wrote the script, dialogues and directed the Hyderabad episode. He also defeated the Machiavellian plan of giving special status to Hyderabad, by Mountbatten (
Otherwise, Nehru’s dilemma would have created another Kashmir. Sardar, a personification of boldness, self-less Desh-Bhakthi and Chanakyansque mind had prevented that. Needless to say, had it been in the hands of Nehru, instead of Patel, it would have created another Kashmir in South-India (