The experiences bestowed by Kanchi-Mahaswami — Part 11 : Swami, You have to save Tamilnadu

(A humble translation of the original article by Sri S.Gurumurthy , as it had appeared in Thuglak Tamil Magazine) —

Goenka had introduced me to many legends in the journalism field; One among them was A.N.Sivaraman, who had 50 years of experience in journalism. He was one of the outstanding intellectuals from Tamilnadu. I had learnt many experiences, lessons from him that can be formed as a book. In particular, his expertise was in the understanding of legal ramifications, study them and interpret the matters in that light.It was a rare trait. Because of him, I have had developed interest in constitutional law, started reading it deeply and to the surprise of legal luminaries , developed in-depth expertise.
A.N.Sivaraman — a brief introduction
The proximity between Goenka-Sivaraman went beyond the regular owner-editor relationship. From the beginning, the workers fraternity in Indian express-Dinamani group were independent fighters or from their families. Before joining Dinamani in 1934, he was attracted by the Independence movement, quit studies , participated in Non-cooperation movement and got imprisoned for 18 months. Initially, he was part of “Gandhi” magazine managed by Tamil journalist T.S.Chockalingam; Later, he participated in salt satyagraha and went to prison for 20 months. After his release from the prison, he went back to the same magazine. Dinamani was started in 1934. Chockalingam was its editor and Sivaraman was its assistant editor. Sivaraman became its editor between the period 1944–1987 and was with them for 54 years.
In the same manner, a teacher inculcates the students, he was making his readers to understand the nuances of any issue. He was a staunch supporter of congress and a hardened fan of Kamaraj. Despite the support, the articles he wrote in 1967 were instrumental in changing the govt. This claim was made by Annadurai and that will help to understand the independent nature of Sivaraman.
In 1977, when we were staying together for a longer period in the IE guest house, Janata govt had dismissed 9 assemblies. He explained the associated constitutional problems and made me to study the constitutional in entirety. He learnt Chinese language before visiting china. At the age of 93, with the help of new college professor, he learnt Arabic too.
Since he felt accepting govt awards might interfere with his journalistic freedom, like Goenka, he refused to accept Padma awards. This info should be disseminated among journalists who crave for Padma awards etc. I inherited that thought from them. Out of compulsion, Sivaraman had accepted 3 non-govt awards — Thirikovilur ‘Kapilar award’, Anna university award instituted by V.C.Kulandaiswamy, B.D.Goenka journalism award. I was instrumental in making him to accept the 3rd one and will narrate the story, later.
1942 Movement : closure of the newspaper, Seergazhi conspiracy case
Sivaraman had told me about the difficult period of closing down the newspapers, as per the request of Gandhi in 1942. Even in those troubled times, Goenka would borrow money, visit the homes of the freedom-fighters (who were working for them) and would pay half salary. He would console them, “Don’t worry, things would become all right”. Even after 25 years, Sivaraman would shed tears, while narrating that.
In 1940s, IE group was the den for revolutionaries. Dinamani editor chockalingam participated in satyagraha and went to prison. Sivaraman went underground. British govt tried to suppress the quit India movement through force and that was countered by congress workers, who had used violence (Goenka had shared a shocking secret behind this violence and I am not too sure, whether to share it publicly or not). Then, the violence erupted in Tamilnadu. One incident involved planting an explosive in the railway track at Seergazhi (a temple town in Tamilnadu).
People who were part of IE group were accused in Seergazhi bomb conspiracy case. Goenka brought those revolutionaries in a speeding car at chennai and went for a morning walk with Justice Rajamannar at 4.30 am in Marina beach. Why? Since he was walking with the Judge, the govt was not able to prove that Goenka had brought those revolutionaries to Chennai. Sivaraman was also remembering the break-neck speed of the car, driven by Goenka, in order to meet up with Justice Rajamannar. All the accused were released, since there was no direct witness.

1952 — Dangerous situation in Tamilnadu & Andhra
Sivaraman was sharing one another important experience with Goenka and how he saved both Andhra & Tamilnadu from the clutches of rampant anarchic communists. For that act, we are always grateful to Goenka. The current generation may be under the impression that communists are like any other party. We have to explain the purport of Sivaraman’s message related to this. Present day communists are not revolutionaries. Those day, they were involved in revolution, anarchy and brutal murders. In 1951, at Telengana, Communists captured 3000 villages through revolution and 4000 had lost their lives (Decline of a Patrimonial Regime: The Telengana Rebellion in Inda, 1946&51 Author(s): Carolyn M Elliott. Source: The Journal of Asia Studies, Vol 34, No 1 (Nov, 1974)
In 1960s, when communists came to power in West Bengal, like in Telengana, they had unleashed the reign of terror. In a place called Naxalbari, the revolution had started and killed many people in that process. From there, the naxal movement had spread to different parts of the country and led to the sacrifices of many people’s lives. 12,000 people had died in a span of 20 years (Economic Times 14-Jul-2018). Even today also, the violent movement continues to thrive. After capturing the power in West Bengal, there was an ideological clash, whether to run the govt as per constitution or continue the revolution. In that chaos, the Naxalite revolution exploded. Because of the confusion, the die-heard leftists naxals can be countered firmly (Gupta, Dipak K. (2007) ‘The Naxalites and the maoist Movement in India: Birth, Demise, and Reincarnation, Democracy and Security”. HTTP:// ). It led to the naxalism movement. If the left had not come to power in West Bengal, the naxal movement would not have born. In 1950s, the communists were on the threshold of forming govt in Andhra & Tamilnadu. If that had happened then what had happened in 1960s at WB, would have played out in Andhra & Tamilnadu. Sivaraman had mentioned that Goenka had saved us from the disaster. What had happened in 1952?
Only Rajaji can save us
In 1952 Chennai Presidency election (that was comprising Andhra, Malabar), Congress had won 152 seats out of 375. Communists had won 6; They were supported by farmer, labour party, socialists party, Muslim league and put together they were holding 80 seats. S.S.Ramasamy padayachi’s labour party had won in 19 places; Independent were holding 62 seats. With the support of 166 MLAs that includes Communist, D. Prakasam had staked his claim with the Governor to form the govt. There was an imminent danger of forming a govt with communist as major stakeholder.
One particular day, Goenka was driving his car on the mount road to drop of Sivaraman at his place. They were exchanging views on how to save Tamilnadu from the clutches of violent communist. Suddenly, Sivaraman was saying that, “Only one person can save TN; That is Rajaji”. Immediately, Goenka had stopped the car.
Then, they were recounting their enmity with Rajaji. In 1940, Jinnah wanted partition. Rajaji had advocated Congress to consider that request and debate it. This idea was forcefully opposed by IE group of newspapers and portrayed a cartoon of a cow (representing unified Bharath) and Rajaji in the guise of Muslim, who was trying to chop it off. Nevertheless, it angered may. From that day, for next 12 years, an enmity brewed between Rajaji and IE duo. They refused to see each other.
Goenka fell at Rajaji’s feet to save TN
“We have no time. Without further delay, let us go to Rajaji’s house” said Goenka. Sivaraman was shaken. They were not sure about the treatment and got ready for the worst treatment, for the sake of welfare of the nation and went to Rajaji’s house.
They had requested Rajaji, “Swamy, you have to save this state and should pardon us for insulting you” and immediately, both fell at his feet. Rajaji was taken aback and asked them for more details. They narrated their story. Rajaji mockingly said, “Did Jawahar sent you? Does he want me to become the Chairman of Municipality?”. They, then, narrated the entire episode and said that without talking to you, we cannot talk to Nehru. Ramasamy Padayachi would be more favourable to someone from Tamilnadu, instead of having Prakasam, who hailed from Andhra. Moreover, the majority of the 62 independent MLAs would support Congress. Only with the consent of Rajaji, a nationalistic govt can be formed in the state. There is no alternative to stop the communists, begged the duo. They said, “if Nehru requests you then you should accept to become the CM”. Rajaji replied, “If Nehru desires, to prevent the communists from the Govt, I would do whatever I could”.
Rajaji, who had stopped the growth of Communism
Goenka had explained everything to Nehru in a call. Immediately, Nehru made a call to Rajaji and the request was duly accepted. With the support of Ramasamy Padayachi and Independents, Rajaji had become the CM of Tamilnadu. In his 1st statement in the assembly, Rajaji had mentioned that “Communists are my #1 enemies”. Without giving notice to the traders, he moved the food items under the purview of Govt ration shops. That helped to bring down the price of rice by 200% ( ). That move pulled away the opportunity of raising revolt against rising prices/lowering supplies by the communists. Gradually, it helped to diminish their presence in Tamilnadu & Andhra.
Communists won 37 seats in TN & Andhra; Subsequently, they were able to garner only 19 seats in the assembly polls of Andhra & TN. Now, they don’t have presence in both the assemblies. If Goenka had not sacrificed his self-esteem and approached Rajaji, then TN & Andhra would have faced a similar situation like in West Bengal.
Whatever was narrated by Sivaraman was true. When I had asked Goenka, he mentioned that the idea was given by Sivaraman. This incident and the other incident of reaching out to N.Gopalswamy Ayyangar had taught me a lesson in humility and how to sacrifice one’s self-prestige at the altar of National cause. That humility had helped to tide over crisis , like the way, it was shown by Goenka, Sivaraman & Rajaji
(To be contd…)