The experiences bestowed by Kanchi-Mahaswami — Part 24
Religions freed from the government intervention: sowed by Kanchi Mahaswami

(A humble translation of the original article by Sri S.Gurumurthy, as it had appeared in Thuglak Tamil Magazine) —
My maternal uncle, Kannan, who was a brahmachari was serving Kanchi Mahaswami. It helped me to get closer to the swami, after completing CA in 1972. I have heard and read about his intellect/intelligence and got to know more about the same when I started meeting him in person. His deep knowledge of Self-knowledge, Science, Politics, Economics, National & International state of affairs, the law was deeply appreciated by various experts in that respective field. Among his multifaceted knowledge, I would like to share two incidents that highlight his mastery over the law — One, was told to me & the second was personally experienced by me. Let me start with the first one that I heard.
Two articles 25,26 that were included in the constitution through his guidance gave protection not only to Hinduism but to all other religions. Let me narrate the story that borders on incredulity, even today also. Vaishnavite scholar Agnihotram Ramanuja Thatachari played a pivotal role in that episode. He wrote about this in the Swarajya magazine(1), managed by Rajaji. He gave all the details in the article, “The Ideal Prophet of our Age”.
(Thatachari, an ardent Vaishnavite had immense devotion towards Kanchi Mahaswami. I was lucky to hear this story from him, directly. It has been documented in a book too (“Merciful heart of Kanchi Mahaswami, Authored by R.Venkataswami, Published by Thirumakal Nilayam)2.
Dec, 1945, In a village
As per the 2011 census, there are 620 houses at Udayarpalayam in Vellore with a population of 2,247. In the early 1940s, Kanchi Mahaswami was staying in that village. Around that time, the British were thinking of granting Independence to India. In 1945, it was decided to have a constitutional assembly to facilitate that. In a country that was riveted by Muslim separatism, the British had sent a cabinet Mission in 1946 to discuss with the Congress & the Muslim league, its implementation. As soon as the announcement came, Jinnah roared in Sep 1945, “Bharat cannot remain as a single Nation. Therefore, we will not accept common constituent assembly”. Communal mania & violence prevailed. Both British & Congress were confused.
Before the arrival of Cabinet Mission, on 5th Dec 1945, a parliamentary committee had come to Delhi. During that time, Kanchi Mahaswami had invited Thatachari and few leading law experts from Kumbakonam to Melur, “ The lawyers have the responsibility to protect us, society. It may not be sufficient if they lip-sync it. They need to take an oath in front of Lord Chandra Mouleeswara. Indirectly, he had given his message to the lawyers. The lawyers become emotional and assured him. Then he told them, “ You have a very big responsibility to protect our constitution”. This was not clear to the visitors. The readers have to understand that there was no constitution in our country at that time and how can one save that does not exists. The constituent assembly was formed on 13th Dec, 19446. Kanch Mahaswami was addressing the lawyers, one year before the formation.
Since the lawyers were not clear about their role, the saint elaborated further, “ Our Nation will get her constitution. Now, we need to think about what to add to protect our religion. The most important thing is not to allow the government to control our religion. Religion gives independence to the people to follow their own. We cannot allow the government to control it”. The lawyers were stunned by his premonition. Even, the British do not have a written constitution. Even on religious matters, the Church needs to approach the government. If we say that the Government should interfere in religious matters, how will they understand this dichotomy? The lawyers were all confused.
At Hindu newspaper office, Jan 1946
But, six months before, Kanchi Mahaswami spoke to Thatachari and had started the work. Moreover, to get the collective opinion, he had organized a conference of South Indian Mutts and took their approval too. His thought process had emerged as a request from the Mutts in the conference. Based on the idea suggested by Kanchi Mahaswami, Thathachari was sending messages (by posts & telegrams) to the British government, its parliamentary committee & officials at Delhi. There was not a single response from any of them. Thatachari got frustrated. But Kanchi Mahaswami was very determined to complete this mission.
On 22nd Jan 1946, When Thatachari had gone to the office of The Hindu newspaper, he saw a huge crowd. British parliamentarian Sorensen was there and the newspaper editor K.Srinivasan (Grandfather of N.Ram) was planning to host a tea party for him. Thatachari was close to the editor and had sought his permission to meet Sorensen. Then, he explained the reason behind his request and wanted to check with Sorensen, whether the messages had reached them. Immediately, the editor took him to the member. The traditional Thatachari with his Vaishnavite symbols met the coated-suited Sorensen.
Thatachari explained the efforts of Mahaswami. Sorensen had agreed that they were in receipt of all such messages and wondering what we were expecting from them. When Thatachari had mentioned releasing religion from the clutches of the government and the final decision-making authority should rest with the people. Sorensen was taken aback. He quipped that this is a new matter to him and wanted to know the brain behinds that. He further said, “This is new to him. It is a big one and needs to discuss with others. Come to Delhi and meet us”.
With Cripps at Delhi
Thatachari telegrammed to Swami about the proceedings. Based on his advice, he went to Delhi with Mahalinga Iyer and met Sorensen on 15th Feb. Then, they placed the requests from the conference — Bharath should be united, the partition should not be allowed and all religious decisions should lie in the hands of people (Ref Hindu newspaper, dated 16-Feb-1946, Chennai edition). Sorensen told them to submit it to Cripps mission that was expected in Mar 1946. Again, Cripps gave time to them and heard their requests. He too was surprised and asked them to give it in writing. Then, they would forward it to their leaders. That requests also reached the ears of Sardar Patel. The next meeting was with Patel.
Patel — fumed first and then exclaimed
Thathachari had explained the same to Patel. Then Patel started roasted them, “ Where is the single monolith called Hinduism? How many sects are there? Each sect says that theirs’ is superior. Where is the unity among them Talking about the religion is useless”. Thatachari was taken aback and meditated on Kanchi Mahaswami for a moment. Then he replied, “ I am acting as per the advice of Kanchi Mahaswami. From a bird’s eye view, they look different or diversified. There is unity in diversity and it is an underlying thread. If someone takes a closer look then they would understand”. Then, Patel was briefed about Kanchi Acharya. Patel questioned him, “who is that person? What kind of thought the leader has! Is he an advocate?”. Patel came to know about Kanchi Mahaswami. Again, Patel responded, “ How come a religious mutt has this kind of thinking? He is magnanimous. All the other religious leaders should accept this thought. I would like to hear from them”.
Thatachari returned and brief Kanchi Mahaswami about the same. Then the Acharya deputed suitable people to meet the Mathathipathi of all denominations. They also accepted the noble thought and gave their approval too. After that, Swami had asked the advocates to draft the relevant provisions that would protect the religions from the encroachment of governments. All this took some time. At that time, what was happening in Delhi?
Drafting of political constitution without religious freedom
There was huge chaos in Delhi. Jinnah was accepting the unified Bharath and he wanted partition. The Cabinet mission was a failure. Jinnah announced the “direct action day” on 16th Aug 1946. Muslims started rioting and thousands were murdered in Kolkatta. Our Nation was burning. An interim government with Nehru as the PM was formed on 2nd Sep 1946. A constituent assembly to draft a constitution met for the first time on 13th Dec 1946. Two approach papers prepared by the constitutional advisor, B.N.Rau was placed for discussion (Outline of the New Constitution3 & Preliminary Notes on Fundamental Rights4). None of them discussed religious freedom. The legal experts did not have that thought and it was rightly guessed by the Mahaswami in 1945. In the next episode, I will share the further proceedings.
(To be continued)
1. Swarajya annual 1971
2. In Tamil magazine called Trisakthi