The experiences bestowed by Kanchi-Mahaswami — Part 29 Yogic Miracle between 9 pm — 3 am
(A humble translation of the original article by Sri S.Gurumurthy, as it had appeared in Thuglak Tamil Magazine) —

“Sir, today morning at 6 am, there was a phone call from Kanchi mutt. They wanted you to prepare a note on the need for anti-religious conversion law. You have been further requested to reach the mutt by 8 pm, tomorrow. This is the mandate given to you by the Kanchi Mahaswami”. This news came to me through Radhakrishnan. He was a good friend of Cho too. Along with Radhakrishnan, I would frequent Kanchi Mutt on weekly basis. I was asked to dwell on the following — Discussion related to religious rights & conversion in the constituent assembly, Niyogi committee report on religious conversions, Justice Venugopal commission report, Supreme court judgement on Odisha & MP’s anti-conversion law. Justice Venugopal Commission report came out in Sep 1985. I remember that this task came to me in Dec 1985. I postponed my scheduled trip to Delhi and started working on the notes.
The impact of that “note” on me
Since the note would reach the hands of the government, I focused on the political constitution, Niyogi & Venugopal reports. I had put more emphasis on how religious conversions are against religious rights. Thanks to the arrival of the computers, nowadays, I can prepare 50 pages note, since almost all of the things are available on the internet. But, it was different on those days. I had to search for the books, gather notes, write them, and then set them to typewriting with carbon copies. I prepared a note of 25 pages.
One question continues to crop up — When many legal eagles are there then why I did put a junior like me on this task? If he had not given the task to me then I would not have understood the harmful impact of religious conversion on national security and the solutions for that. Later, I understood that he was preparing me and made me understand in many areas, comprehensively. That act laid the foundation for me in social life. Religious conversion was a vulgar act that soiled religious freedom. Kanchi Mahaswami made me realize this fact. Once I completed the note, I realized that I learned a lot from that exercise. Then, I proceeded to Kanchipuram along with Radhakrishnan.
The scene that I witnessed at 9 pm
There was no electricity in the mutt. It was pitch-dark. We approached the saint at 9 pm. I still remember the scene, clearly. There was a big hall with an asbestos roof. My uncle, Kannan, and others, who were serving the saint were stationed in that hall. There couple of lanterns, here & there to dispel the darkness. The saint was lying down near the doorstep on his saffron towel. He made us sit in the footsteps.
Only one of the members (who were in the hall) is alive today (Chandra). He is administering the Veda-patasala at Thenambakkam, where the Saint did his penance. I kept all the materials in front of him. I was wondering about his next steps — how is he going to manage without light and whether he would get up, etc.
The Saint picked up the note and mentioned, “Our CM M.G.Ramachandran (MGR) had asked my opinion about the recommendation given by Venugopal commission. That is why I had troubled you”. I replied, “no problem Swami, it was a great opportunity given by you to me and a valuable experience too”. Then he started reading the notes reclining down with a torchlight perched on his shoulder that illuminated the documents. It appeared that he was used to this style of reading.
Yogic Body
The saint started reading it around 9 pm. I thought he would read it for some time and retired to sleep. I was thinking about my next day’s trip to Delhi. The 25 pages document was not heavy. But, in that uncomfortable position, even a peacock feather would start us weighing down. I was wondering further, whether he would find time to read the voluminous reports. Next to that building was a cattle shed. We were troubled by the mosquitoes. The Saint had asked us to wrap around with a towel. But, there was no use because of that. We were troubled by the mosquitoes and our bodies became bloodied due to constant scratching. Not a single mosquito flew closer to him. He completed the entire document in an hour.
Then, he had asked for Volume 1 of the Niyogi committee report. It was having 380 pages and weighing ½ kg. He started reading this volume in the same position. It was a sight to watch the acrobatics engaged while reading — switching hands, adjusting torch, stretching hand, etc. Occasionally, he was giving references/instructions to me. I took those notes too.
Niyogi committee’s Vol 1 that had recommendations and discoveries took some time for the Saint to read. He completed that at the midnight. The 2nd volume that had references did not take much time. Then, he spent more time on the Venugopal commission’s report (190 pages). He told me to add more notes from that document too. Around 2 am, he had completed the reading. Then, he had asked me what else I was carrying. I showed him the Constituent assembly debates on the religious freedom provisions. He was not interested in that. His memory was phenomenal and would absorb everything from a book in the first reading itself. Again, he referred to the notes. Others were troubled by the mosquitoes. Some were dozing off. Like the Stitha-pragnya Purusha mentioned in Bhagwad Geetha, he was personified. I was able to witness his absolute control over the body and mind. His age at that time was 91. Still, I remember that Yogic Darsan.
Make the following corrections
I remember the overall details of the references from both the reports that needed to be added to the document. Though most of the details are fading away from my memory, one particular point stays, evergreen; The Saint questioned me, “Did you know the members of the Niyogi committee”?. I was embarrassed and sheepishly said “No”. He told me to read out the members’ name. When the member L.K.George had come, he told me to pause and asked him whether I am aware of this person. I mentioned that he was a professor in a college.
The Saint replied, “No, that is important; George is a Christian scholar with deep faith and also read the Hindu scriptures, deeply. He was a follower of Mahatma Gandhi and removed himself from the church that opposed the Independence movement. He believed that both religions should co-exist in the spiritual plane without resorting to outright conversions”. Not only the Niyogi committee was impartially conducted by a Judge. But, the presence of a devout Christian in that report increases its trustworthiness. Just make sure that point gets included”. Still, that point echoes in my ears. Then, I had started studying L.K.George. Indeed, a great personality. He did not want the intervention of foreign churches in Indian Christianity and started the Indian National church movement. It is our misfortune that he was sidelined locally with the support of foreign powers.
I had included the key highlights of the Venugopal commission as follows — “Conversion was the root cause of the enmity between the religions and responsible for the riots. Conversion is splitting our country”. I also added the examples and legal points mentioned by the commission. But, the Saint looked at the report from a different angle. He mentioned that Judge mentioned three important points:
- In addition to the constitutional rights of the minorities, they must maintain a good relationship with the majority community.
- Conversion spoils the cordial relationship between the two communities.
- According to Mahatma Gandhi, “ Conversion is not part of the religio-spiritual realm; They are for convenience. If I have the authority, I will ban all types of religious conversions with the help of the law. When Christian missionaries enter into a family then that family changes their food habits, dress code, and traditional practices; Because of that, the families get disintegrated”.
The Saint had asked me to include the three points too. The Supreme court through its constitutional authority passed strictures against conversions, whereas Mahatma Gandhi through his superior dharmic authority worked against conversion. We finished everything by 3 am. The next day, I could not go to Delhi.
From that act and through the Saint, I understood that the Dharmic authority is superior to moral authority. Later, it was supported by the freedom fighter Achyut Patwardhan’s statement, “Even in lawsuits, the Dharmic authority provides the platform for the victory in the end.