The experiences bestowed by Kanchi-Mahaswami — Part 36 : Iconic Personality, Morarji Desai!

In 1977, after the announcement of elections, Congress(O), Jana sangh, Bharatiya Lok Dal(BLD), and Socialist parties came together to form the ‘Janata Party’. Senior Congress leader Jagajivanram left the party and started the Democratic congress party. These two parties combined to fight against the authoritarian Indira. Since these new parties did not have any symbol on their own, they used the symbol of Charan Singh’s party (BLD). Their singular idea was to defeat Indira in the elections. After they won, they started fighting with each other for the PM post. Since the BLD was registered with the election commission they were recognized as the majority party and Charan Singh was recognized as their leader. Instead of choosing the person to lead the Lok Sabha, he desired to be the PM. Both Morarji Desai & Jagajivanram were better qualified to be the PM. To avoid the elections, the mandate of choosing the Parliamentary party leader was passed on to a committee of Jayaprakash Narain & Acharya Kriplani. Most of the leaders agreed to that except Jagajivanram & George Fernandes. These two claimed that it was not a democratic process. In the meantime, Charan Singh had agreed to recognize as the Parliamentary party leader and gave the letter to the President. Subsequently, Morarji became the PM.
The Friendship between Morarji Desai & Goenka
Many had thought the Goenka was instrumental in getting Morarji Desai elected. Whenever I had asked Goenka about this, he refused to give a straightforward answer and was always evasive. In case, If he had supported Moraraji Desai then maybe because there was a precedent in the past. In 1966, Goenka got the news of Lalbahadur Sastri’s death in Russia. Kamaraj had asked Goenka to make arrangements to go to Delhi. A rental plane was arranged and they traveled together. Goenka had requested Morarji to become the PM. I had narrated this elaborately in an earlier chapter.
Based on the Kamaraj plan, the syndicate leaders decided to elect Indira. Since Goenka brought Kamaraj in a plane, Morarji that Goenka was responsible for selecting Indira. Morarji felt bad and Indira felt good about it. Despite all the explanations given by Goenka, Moraji was suspecting him always. Two of them started distancing from each other and it led to a greater strain on their relationship. When Indira split the congress in 1969, Goenka had opposed her. Subsequently, the relationship between Morarji & Goenka started blossoming.
Gujarat Navanirman movement, Bihar movement were groomed by Indian Express to oppose Indira. The rebellion ran by Goenka during the emergency enhanced his reputation. In the 1977 election campaigns, Morarji said that Goenka was the bravest person in the country. They were getting closer. The whole nation thought that Goenka was responsible for the defeat of Indira. He became a hero. JP was close to Nanaji Deshmukh & Goenka. Morarji too. Charan Singh who was disappointed for not getting the PM post started opposing Goenka. When I asked about Morarji, Goenka described him in four words, “ Flawless, Honest, Dependable but unyielding”. In Delhi circles, it was rumored that Goenka was guiding Morarji.
Meeting with Morarji
I still remember the occasion, when I met Morarji on my third attempt. When I had gone to meet him for the first time, five assemblies were dissolved and there was friction between President Jatti and PM. Morarji had gone to meet the President. I could not meet him, then and later on another occasion too. While going to meet the PM before the settlement commission’ meeting, initially, Goenka had asked me to come and later told me not to.
After the victory, Goenka had planned to take me along with him for a meeting with the PM. He was continuously talking about my role in the Express case amongst the people in his inner circle — Business Magnates, Senior leaders, Government officials, Supreme court Judges et al. He told the same to Morarji and express his desire to meet the PM along with me. On that meeting day, Goenka had to travel to Mumbai for some other work; Hence, he had asked me to go and meet the PM. Though I was hesitating at the first, I did not want to lose the opportunity to meet him.
The appointment was at 5 pm and I reached there by 4.30 pm. I had a cup of tea and was told by the secretary to proceed at 4.58 pm. Needless to say, I was nervous. I went inside and paid my Namaskarams. Morarji was reading something. He kept me waiting for two minutes and then turned to me at 5 PM. I thought, our appointment was at 5 pm and indirectly conveyed his displeasure of my early arrival. I understood that he was a great stickler to norms. He enquired about me, my family, and my relationship with Goenka. He said, “The efforts you took have touched his heart”.
Then the talk was about the emergency period. I shared my experiences with him. I requested him to ask a question and he gave them permission. I asked him, “Sir, there are no papers on your table”. He replied, “the role of the PM is to oversee the performance of other ministers and ensure that administration flows smoothly. If the PM holds any department then it will hamper the administrative flow”. Cho said, “Janata’s ministry was known for his honesty and skills. It would be difficult to see one more ministry like that”. Moraraji’s table was empty and that indicated his style. After that, I would think about my 15 minutes meeting with him and would admire his strictness, honesty, boldness, simplicity. Still, I continue to do so.
Meeting among Morarji, Goenka, MGR & Cho
In mid-1979, Indira & Charan Singh started throwing mud on Morarji’s son Kanti Desai. They charged that he interferes in the administration activities and misuses his proximity to the PM. Both Charan Singh & the socialist parties that were opposing Morarji asked his consent to conduct an inquiry. Since Morarji knew their game plan, he simply refused to give consent to the request. They colluded with Indira to defeat the government. Cho met with MGR to seek his support for Morarji’s government. In 1977, MGR aligned with Indira and contested the parliamentary election. But, he went alone in the assembly elections. Due to Cho’s persuasion, MGR agreed to meet Morarji.
Morarji, Goenka, MGR & Cho met at Goenka’s house, located in the Express estate at Chennai. Though I was present at Goenka’s house, I did not participate in that meeting. MGR had agreed to save Morarji’s government. After the meeting, Morarji went to Delhi. Then, three of us met (Cho, Goenka & self). Goenka praised Cho effusively. Then, Cho said,” I had requested him to talk to Charan Singh. If he had done that this crisis would not have come”. Goenka said, “Oh, he is very adamant and it is not easy to convince him”. Cho differed and said, “ No, I would not say that it was his adamancy but his principle of not speaking to save his post”. Both loved Morarji and saw this Guna, differently.
Despite Cho’s efforts, Morarji could not save his government and Charan Singh became the PM with the help of Indira. Within six months, Indira withdrew the support for Charan Singh, won the election, and came back to power. In that election, DMK switched their loyalty and aligned with Indira. Because of that MGR lost the elections. After assuming power, Indira dismissed MGR’s government. In the assembly election, Indira & DMK contested equally. They were expected to win since they won the Parliament election three months back. Against all odds, MGR won that election and it became a turning point in TN politics. The relationship between Cho & MGR grew stronger. Between 1977–80, he ran a corruption-less government. He once said to Cho, “If I have Rs 80 lakhs, I will easily defeat DMK. But, I don’t know what to do”. He pledged his cinema studio, raised Rs 80 lakhs, and spent the money in the election. After that, MGR understood the need for money.
Meeting Morarji in Mumbai airport
In 1980, I was travelling to Mumbai from Chennai by Air. When I was exiting the airport, I saw Morarji was hailing a taxi. I ran up to him and introduced myself to him. He remembered very well. Then I said, “ Sir, a car has come for me. I am going to Express tower in Nariman point. I will be happy to drop you at your location. Please come with me”. Morarji replied, “Young man! My taxi has come and I do not want to disappoint him and went in the cab”. I was pleasantly surprised to see his simplicity. A year back, he was the PM and no car has come to the airport to receive him. I was moved by that and tears rolled down.
Last meeting with Morarji
It must be 1985. Along with Goenka, I went to meet Morarji in his apartment at Marine drive. The apartment was looking very simple. We went to his bedroom and he was seated on his bed. It looked like a middle-class apartment. Those days, it was difficult to evict a tenant from the house. He was staying with Kanti Desai in one such apartment. Goenka asked him, “Morarjibhat, do you need any help”? Morarji replied, ”Ramnath JI, I am very much satisfied. There are no problems for me. I am an ex-parliamentarian and receiving my pension. The government takes care of my medical expenses. I am running the household with my pension. Nothing is required”. We bid goodbye and came out. Goenka said, “Guru, it will be difficult to meet such type of politicians. He is a highly principled ma and that stubbornness played against him”. I did not get another opportunity to meet him. In 1995, he died at the ripe age of Ninety-nine. Before him, Goenka had passed away in 1991. After their loss, I felt the gap in life that could not be filled in easily.
After assuming power, Indira formed a committee under judge Vaidyalingam that would probe her accusations. Without any evidence, the committee blamed administrative transgressions. No one believed their finding. Indira used the occasion to show her magnanimity by not taking any action against Morarji, despite the findings. We can understand, how this would have affected a leader like Morarji who wore his integrity and self-respect on the sleeve. Indeed, he was a great personality and tallest leader too.
To be contd…