The experiences bestowed by Kanchi-Mahaswami — Part 51 : His Holiness Prophecies came true
Author : Sri S.Gurumurthy
Translator : C.Rangarajan

Operation Blue Star was considered a much-needed one by the Deshi-Abhimaanis. They thought that it was in the interest of the Nation and would do good, eventually to us. Whereas, Kanchi Paramacharya’s views went against the majority flow. He said,” It was not a good action and not going to solve the problem. Moreover, it would aggravate the problem, further”. That prophecy kept troubling me. As soon as I came back from Kanchi, I met Goenka and shared the details. When I mentioned the Moksha Deepa, he was ready to do that (what is the significance of number 3000? 300 people died in Operation Blue Star and 2800 more would die, later in the Delhi riots. This is how I interpret it).
After reaching Delhi, we took the opinion of IE editor, George Verghese. He mentioned that the Sikhs were agitated and the situation was also worrisome. Then Goenka mentioned,” Political rivalry between the Congress-Akali deteriorated to anti-Sikh politics. After the operation, in the name of the Nation’s interest, strident anti-Sikhism is paraded. Indira is using that as a political weapon and building up the Hindu vote bank. Now, Congress is a Hindu party and it brings its dilemma to BJP that could neither approve nor oppose the government. Our paper should do all things to maintain the Hindu-Sikh amity. IE continued to condemn the anti-Sikh rhetoric of the Congress leaders and continued with the stance of assuaging the Sikhs. Let us see how the operation brought in more problems.
Indira’s murder
With the help of Bhindranwale, Congress captured power in the 1980s in Punjab. For the chair, Congress played a very dangerous game in Punjab and it allowed Pakistan to finish us off. Operation Blue Start brought an end to this dangerous game. Because the army entered the Golden Temple, the Sikhs were upset, with violence in Punjab and rebellion in the military. Everyone was afraid about the next set of moves that were going to happen. Finally, the anger of Sikhs took the life of Indira.
Within 4 months of Operation Blue Star, Indira was killed by her bodyguards. On that day, I was there in Delhi. Goenka’s daughter-in-law Saroj Goenka was the president of Guild of Indian Journals and she had an appointment with Indira at noon on that fateful day. We were discussing the agenda that needs to be discussed with Indira. Suddenly, George Varghese came in running and said, “Indira was shot by her bodyguards. She is rushed to the hospital with the bullets in her stomach”.
Goenka said, “Events are flowing as per Acharya’s prophecy. Please reach out to him for the next steps”. I came to Chennai. I kept Cho informed about the proceedings. The next day, I met him. By that time, the news was trickling out slowly about the riots on the Sikh community in Delhi. Cho said, “Sir, Acharya’s words are coming true. The Murder of Indira was an unfortunate one. With that, a sorrowful chapter would have come to an end. Now, what is happening in Delhi is going to aggravate the Punjab problem more and will give rise to terrorism again”.
Brutal murder of Sikhs
- Within a few hours of his mother’s death, Rajiv assumed power in Delhi. The public was allowed to pay homage to Indira. Rajiv performed the final rites by wearing the sacred thread over his Nehru jacket. This was telecasted live on the national TV, Doordarshan. (
- Amitabh’s slogan “blood for blood” was also shown on the TV (Times of India 21.10.2011)
- Congress leaders Jagadish Tytler, H.K.L.Bhagat & Sajjan Kumar instigated the riots against the Sikhs (
- As per the Government’s records, 2800 Sikhs were brutally murdered (
- Famous journalist Sekhar mentioned that 100s of people were burnt alive and one could smell the burning bodies (33 years ago, this day: burning flesh, smoking city, a nightmare lived — reported by Sekhar Gupta, 31 Oct 2017,
- But the army that was present in Delhi was not called out to save the Sikhs. Later, Manmohan Singh spun a story to save Rajiv’s skin — Congress leader I.K.Gujral had requested the then Home minister P.V.Narasimha Rao to call the army but he did not listen. It was Rajiv’s call not to invite the Army and not PVN’s
- On the one hand, the maniacs were engaged in mindless killing. And, on the other hand, many Hindus with the help of sticks & other weapons, started day & night vigil to protect the Sikhs. Jaitley was very emotional when he said that famous lawyers like Kabil Sibal were part of the vigil for 3 nights to protect the Sikhs. Many Sikhs had to shave off their hair to keep them safe. Near Vajpayee’s house, there was a taxi stand. The hooligans arrived there with petrol to burn the Sikhs. Despite the reservations shown by his guards, Vajpayee came out running, stood in front of those the goondas, and told them to burn him first ( When I had asked him Vajpayee had mentioned that how he could have kept quiet when the Sikhs were about to be burned?
- All the good people stood up to protect the Sikh. Nanavati Commission had mentioned that the Congress party had provided the electoral rolls to identify the Sikhs (Nanavati, G.T, 9 February 2005, “Report of the Justice Nanavati Commission of inquiry (1984 Anti Sikh riots)”, New Delhi ministry of home affairs
- 1000s of Sikhs were murdered. But, Congress did not take action against them. This led the Sikh youth towards terrorism. It took 16 years to bring the culprits to justice. In 2000, the Vajpayee government formed the Nanavati commission. It submitted its report in 2005. By that time, the UPA was in power and they did not take any action on the report. Again in 2015, Modi’s government filed the case. After 34 years, Sajjan Kumar was awarded a double life term sentence
Rajiv said that the riot was a natural one
1. On Indira’s birthday, 19th Nov 1984, Rajiv spoke in the boat club, Delhi justifying the riots. The riots had taken place in Delhi and he too justified it in the same place. He said, “After Indira died, some riots had taken place in the country. We knew very well that the people of this country were angry. Therefore, for a few days, there were tremors in the country. When a big tree falls, the nearby earth will shake too”. Instead of condemning the acts, he blundered. Moreover, he praised the rioters by saying that the rioters stopped the riots on their own to uphold the democratic nature of our country (
2. It was widely discussed that his speech justified the brutal riots (Verinder Grover (1997). Indian political system: Trends and Challenges. Deep & Deep publications)
3. Mani Shankar Aiyar too admonished Rajiv for not inviting the army and mentioned that his speech was instigating (Mani Shankar Aiyar (2006), Confessions of a secular fundamentalist, Penguin books)
4. Delhi riots and further denials poured petrol into Sikh’s anger. Until today, the Congress party has neither condemned the riots nor the rioters. After the punishment given to Sajjan Kumar, Rahul had mentioned that the riots were a gut-wrenching sordid sage. But, he created a flutter by saying that the Congress party was never involved in the riots (The Hindu, 25.8.2018)
5. In 2005, after 21 years, Manmohan Singh apologized (Suroor Hasan (21.04.2011) “Manmohan Singh’s apology for anti-Sikh riots a ‘Gandhian moment of moral clarity, says 2005 cable
A massive victory for Rajiv — Hindu trump card
At this crucial juncture, elections were announced. Congress won a landslide victory by winning 414 seats. BJP could win only 2 seats. Vajpayee lost his Gwalior seat. Arun Jaitley had predicted this before when he was talking to me, on a particular occasion. When I had asked for the reason, he mentioned that protecting the Sikhs and condemning the riots, made Congress the pro-Hindu party in the eyes of the public.
Many were under the impression that the BJP had started the Hindu vote bank. It is not true. In the 1980s, by playing the Sikh separatism trump card, Indira was forced to create the Hindu vote bank Oxford-brooks school Professor Preetam Singh had written in her book, “Indira played the Hindu trump card and won in the elections. Her political calculations misfired and she ventured into the danger zone. In the beginning, she clashed with the Akalis and then with the entire Sikh community. It ended with her murder. The subsequent riots in Delhi and other places had split the country, figuratively. Sikh nationalism was defeated and Hindu nationalism had emerged. Its control was passed on to the Hindu nationalists. They are the present-day rulers (
Between 1980 and 1985, Congress made its moves to project itself as the supporter of the Hindus. Two reasons were attributed for Rajiv’s massive victory — one was the sympathy wave and the other was the consolidation of the Hindu votes. Congressman V.N.Gadgil had mentioned this indirectly (
BJP aped congress policies and in the 1980s, started calling itself a Gandhian party, Socialist party, and a genuine secular party. Indira projected the congress as the supporters of the Hindus and BJP, a party that supported the Sikhs. It ensured BJP’s defeat. Congress was the precursor to BJP. Then BJP branded Congress as a pseudo-secular party and BJP, a genuine Hindutva party. According to BJP, Hindutva means secular too. We (IE, Goenka, Shourie & I) played a role in this change.