Thiruppavai 19 — குத்து விளக்கெரியக்

குத்து விளக்கெரியக் கோட்டுக்கால் கட்டில் மேல்
மெத்தென்ற பஞ்ச சயனத்தின் மேலேறி
கொத்தலர் பூங்குழல் நப்பின்னை கொங்கை மேல்
வைத்துக் கிடந்த மலர்மார்பா! வாய் திறவாய்
மைத்தடங் கண்ணினாய்! நீயுன் மணாளனை
எத்தனை போதும் துயிலெழ ஒட்டாய்காண்
எத்தனை யேலும் பிரிவாற்ற கில்லாயால்
தத்துவமன்று தகவேலோர் எம்பாவாய்
As the night-lamp continue to burn, Oh Lord Krishna who is sleeping
On an ivory cot, silky bed, with his chest placed on the bosom of
(Mother) Nappinnai, who is adorned with blossomed bunch of flowers on her hair-locks
(Lord Krishna, if you are unable to get up), kindly open your mouth and respond to us
Oh, young lady, whose eyes are lined with kajal! We presume that you will not allow
Your dear lord to wake/get up from his sleep,
because you will not like his separation, Even for shorter moments;
this does not befit your personality
1. The Gopikas are waking up the Mother Nappinnai coupled here with Lord (an avatar of Divine Mother Neela Devi, the third consort of Lord Vishnu)
2. As the knowledge-wisdom-upadesam continue to lighten up
3. The ivory reminds the Kuvalayapida, the violent elephant in the army of King Kamsa; it reminds us the power of Lord’s grace that will help anybody (who comes in touch with him) in subjugating his ego
4. The four legs of the cot represents 4 purusharthas — Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. Also, the four legs represent four different agents of action too
5. The bed represents the universe; here, the universe is not sustaining the Lord but the other way. The universe is graced by his presence
6. What kind of sleep he is having? It is called Yoga-nidra, Sleepless sleep (sleep for the body but the inner spirit is awake and witnessing all)
7. The bouquet of flowers represents the great souls (nitya sooris) who have attained moksha and revel in the presence of Lord in vaikunta
8. And, what is the word that we expect from the Lord — that as a sadhaka/devotee will be cleared of all karma, leave all my fears and will be ascertained moksha. Then, what prevents us from hearing, though, he is always ready to deliver that. The forces of samsara ties us down and prevents us hearing/seeing his Swaroopa
9. The kajal-eyed person represents the special disciple, who is primed up for moksha with instructions from Acharya etc