Thiruppavai 20 — முப்பத்து மூவர்

முப்பத்து மூவர் அமரர்க்கு முன்சென்று
கப்பம் தவிர்க்கும் கலியே! துயிலெழாய்
செப்ப முடையாய்! திறலுடையாய்! செற்றார்க்கு
வெப்பம் கொடுக்கும் விமலா! துயிலெழாய்
செப்பன்ன மென்முலை செவ்வாய் சிறுமருங்குல்
நப்பின்னை நங்காய்! திருவே! துயிலெழாய்
உக்கமும் தட்டொளியும் தந்து உன் மணவாளனை
இப்போதே எம்மை நீராட்டேலோ ரெம்பாவாய்
Helping the 33 crores of Devas before they are afflicted with troubles
Wake up veloured Lord Krishna, who does away their shiver (of Devas)
The honest one (toward devotees in protecting them), who decimates the obstacles/enemies of the devotees
Who turns up the heat/dukkha for the enemies, the unblemished one, (please) wake up
One with tender breast, red lips, slim waist
(please) wake up, his consort, Goddes Nappinai , equivalent to Mother Lakshmi
Encourage us by giving the right vrata instruments, fan, mirror
Bathe (Y)our Dear Lord and us
1. This is the last of the 5th song, where the consort of Lord Vishnu, Divine mother Nappinnai is woken up along with the Lord. Mother Nappinnai is the manifestation of Mother NIla Devi who represents the material senses; And, the other two, Mother bhoo devi represents the natural wealth and Mother Lakshmi devi represents the Material wealth. It is like matter-energy representation. Depending on the spiritual maturity of Sadhaka, either they are real or symbolic representing some quality. That’s the reason, the help of Guru is required to interpret or unknot the hidden mysteries
2. This concept of 33 crores of Gods appears in many places in our scriptures. They are essentially — astha/8 Vasus, ekaadas/11 Rudras, Dwadasa/12 Adityas and Two Aswini Devas. Multiple definitions are possible and here are the shortened one. Also, each represents their own world, where the soul/our pitrus travel during their trans-migration. This is a very deep concept and beautifully synthesized by our Rishis. We need to bow them in reverence
a. Asta Vasus — They are called Ganadevatas. Their names are Prithiv/Dhara, Nakshtrani/Dhruva, Chandrmas/Soma, Varuna/Ahar, Vayu/Anila, Agni/Anala, Aditya/Pratyusa and Dyaus/Prabhasa. Needless to say, they represent the essential elements in our life. For eg., Prabhasa includes Vastu purusha or the Adhikari for spaces
b. Ekadasa Rudras — Ajaikapat, Ahirbudhnya, Virupaksa, Suresvara, Jayanta, Bahurupa, Aparajita, Savitra, Tryarhbaka, Vaivasvata and Hara are the eleven rudras. They are associated with the Rajasic aspects of the Beings like anger, passion etc
c. Twelve Adityas are Dhata, Aryama,Mitra, Rudra, Varuna, Surya, Bhaga, Vivasvan, Pusa, Savitii, Tvast, and Visnu. They represent the Sattwic aspects of the beings, protector of Dharma, protector of all beings. Interestingly, in Srimad Bhagawad Geetha, there is a sloka (10.21) — adityanam aham visnur jyotisam ravir amsuman maricir marutam asmi naksatranam aham sasi
d. Two Asvini devas — They take care of the health aspects of the beings. Definitive names are not available
3. These Devas are not part of the Nitya-sooris, who are the permanent residents of Vaikoonta. Because of their good punya karmas, these devas enjoy their fruit but not a realized soul. They may have to participate in the birth-death recycle. Hence, they will have to encounter problems like all beings and Lord’s help is sought in advance. One can refer to the different avataras like Matsya-avatara (Where the glory of vedas were restored), Koorma-avatara (Where nectar was distributed) etc. Similar to the way, Lord protects the devas, you should protect us the Gopikas
4. He is reachable to the devotees and unreachable to the one, who are not devoted to him. He lives in the heart-caves of the beings; hence, devoting to him is much easier
5. Vimalan (one without the dosham of Ajnanam or not suffering from any delusion) is the one who turns up the heat on the enemies of the devotees. It can be external like Bhakta Prahladha’s father or internal like greed, anger, laziness
6. Again, wherever required, the bodily parts of the Nayakans and Nayakis are described, without any shame (compare this with Victorian mentality of seeing such things with shame)
7. In Ramanuja sampradaya, the jeeva takes the help of Divine Mother Lakshmi to reach the or solicit the grace of Lord. Here, Mother Neela Devi is equated with her