Thiruppavai: 27 — கூடாரை வெல்லும் சீர் கோவிந்தா

கூடாரை வெல்லும் சீர் கோவிந்தா *உன் தன்னைப்-
பாடிப் பறை கொண்டு யாம் பெறும் சம்மானம்*
நாடு புகழும் பரிசினால் நன்றாகச்*
சூடகமே தோள் வளையே தோடே செவிப் பூவே*
பாடகமே என்றனைய பலகலனும் யாம் அணிவோம்*
ஆடை உடுப்போம் அதன் பின்னே பாற் சோறு*
மூட நெய் பெய்து முழங்கை வழி வாரக்*
கூடி இருந்து குளிர்ந்தேலோர் எம்பாவாய்
Govinda, who wins over the beings that have not surrendered to him
The gift(s) that we will receive along with the cymbal/drum, after praising you profusely
It (the gifts) will be appreciated by the society
Will be comfortably wearing the
Ornaments for hands, shoulders, ears
For the legs, many such
Will wear (new) dress, followed up with a milk-based-rice/kheer/paayasam
Will bury that in a mountain of ghee (and) allow it flow in the elbows
Will celebrate it together along with other Girls
PS: Many Tamizh folks pronounces it as “goodarai”. It is “koodarai” and not the other way.
1. The vrata/nonbu is approaching completion. And, the girls are contemplating on the prospective gifts upon completion of their vratam
2. Not only the surrendered, even the not-surrendered /not-realized are provided refuge by the Lord through his large heartedness, compassion, accommodative nature etc for all beings.
Like the way King Ravana was mesmerized in the battlefield by Lord’s valourous show using the “kothanda”, the bow. Subsequently, he was spared (Retire for today and come back again). Like the way, the Gopis were taken-in using his beautiful form; like the way, Arjuna was taken-in by revealing his virata-swaroopa; like the way, the Alwars were captivated by the Lord using his forms, gunas, Swaroopa etc
3. And, who is providing that kind of refuge? It is none other than our “Govindan”, who is the sole refuge of all and would not say “no” to anyone
4. By singing his naamas continuously, we would achieve the ultimate goal — Moksha
5. The five gifts that are essential for the sadhaka to attain moksha are:
a. Ornaments for hands — the thilaks worn on the body
b. Ornaments for shoulders — the shanka-chakra mudra on the shoulders
c. Ear-stud : Thirumandiram — om Namo Narayana
d. Ear-ornaments — Sriman Narayana Charanau Saranam Prapadye, Srimathe Narayanaya Namah
e. 5th ornament — Charanagathi sloka — Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya Maam Ekam Charanam Vraja* Aham Tvaam Sarva-Papebhyo Moksayisyaami Maa Sucha
6. It also mentions the other jewels — rest of them are then knowledge/wisdom about God, Vairagya/non-attachment, Viveka/Discrimination between essential and non-essentials
7. The girls/gopis are proud to have these gifts in their armoury
8. The cloth represents the concept that we are part/emanated from him and destined to go back to him
9. The milk-based food is nothing but seva/service to Lord, his devotees etc.